Church ceiling mural featuring sun, moon, stars, trees and a hand flanked by clouds, all against a bright blue background.
Ceiling mural at the Church of St Andrew, Sunderland: painted in 1927 by MacDonald Gill, to the design of E S Prior. © Historic England Archive DP248636
Ceiling mural at the Church of St Andrew, Sunderland: painted in 1927 by MacDonald Gill, to the design of E S Prior. © Historic England Archive DP248636

Secretary of State Reappoints Historic England Commissioner

Lucy Frazer, Secretary of State at the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, has reappointed Sue Wilkinson as Commissioner of Historic England for a second term of 4 years.

It’s wonderful news that Sue has been reappointed as a Historic England Commissioner for a second term. Her experience, expertise and knowledge across the heritage sector is an invaluable asset to the Commission. I know that her fellow Commissioners and colleagues at Historic England will join me in congratulating Sue on this extension to her appointment.

Lord Mendoza, Chairman Historic England

Sue Wilkinson was an executive board director at the National Trust until the end of 2016 and the executive lead on tourism. During her time there she led much of the charity’s income generation, oversaw the growth of membership to nearly five million members, and led major IT projects and a brand review.

Currently, Sue is a trustee of English Heritage and deputy chair of the Churches Conservation Trust. She is also vice chair of the Medical Research Foundation.

Sue was previously a board director of the Association of Leading Visitor Attractions and a trustee of the Canal & River Trust and chair of the Living Waterways Awards. Prior to this she was a trustee at the Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich, and served on the Visit England Board and as a trustee of the Institute of Fundraising.

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