The Assessment and Management of Marine Archaeology in Port and Harbour Development

This document sets out advice for organisations or individuals involved in the planning and development of port and harbour facilities, particularly those involving marine environmental assessment.

It provides practical advice on assessing the impact of port and harbour development in England upon the intertidal and marine historic environment. The information presented here is relevant to:

  • port and harbour owners
  • port and harbour operators
  • developers
  • contractors
  • regulatory authorities
  • curators
  • archaeological consultants/contractors

Port and Harbour developments within intertidal and marine environments have the potential to impact a wide range of heritage assets. This risk to the historic environment can be managed through the processes of environmental assessment:

  • identifying and assessing potential impacts
  • the adoption of appropriate mitigation strategies to minimise risk
  • preserve assets in situ
  • record assets before they are lost

This document focusses on the environmental assessments required for new development projects, including applications for new Harbour Revision or Empowerment Orders. It does not cover heritage assets located above high water or the effect that routine port operations or activities, covered under existing Harbour Orders, may have upon heritage assets.

Historic England (formerly English Heritage) commissioned Wessex Archaeology to produce this guidance. We welcome your comments on this guidance, please send any feedback to [email protected]


  1. Introduction
  2. The Historic Environment
  3. Conservation Principles and the Significance of Heritage Assets
  4. The Regulatory Framework
  5. Establishing a Baseline
  6. Identifying Effects
  7. Mitigating Effects and Managing Risk
  8. Conclusion
  9. Bibliography and Further Reading

Additional Information

  • Series: Guidance
  • Publication Status: Completed
  • Pages: 64


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