Neighbourhood Planning and the Historic Environment

These web pages contain information on the importance and role of the historic environment in the neighbourhood planning process. They are aimed at all those involved in the neighbourhood planning process including:

  • Neighbourhood forums, parish councils and other community groups
  • Consultants who have been commissioned to prepare neighbourhood plans
  • Local authorities who are working with communities on neighbourhood plans
  • First Steps

    Follow our first steps and check list as you set out to bring the historic environment into your neighbourhood plan.

  • Gathering Evidence

    The evidence you need will depend on what you want your plan to do.

  • Policy Writing

    This page covers the different aspects of neighbourhood plan policy writing and poses questions that you should consider.

  • Case Studies

    The set of short case studies on neighbourhood planning and the historic environment show the range of approaches taken across the country.

  • Sources of Further Information

    Sources of further information, government guidance and useful tools for neighbourhood planning.

  • Our Role

    The Neighbourhood Planning Regulations require you to consult Historic England on your pre-submission plan.

  • Community-Led Plans

    Advice on preparing community-led plans such as Parish Plans and Village Design Statements.