Ivy on Walls: Interim Summary Report

Author(s): Alan Cathersides, Jeremy Ashbee, Amanda White, Heather Viles, Troy Stronberg, Rachel Thomas, Chris Turner

The role of ivy (Hedera helix) on historic monuments is a significant issue for heritage conservation in England. As a common plant, ivy is found throughout the British Isles and is found at many heritage sites. Opinions are divided as to whether it should be removed or could play a role in conservation. To better understand ivy impact on stone surfaces English Heritage commissioned a 3-year project that investigated whether ivy covering historic walls and buildings plays a largely deteriorative or protective role. The research investigated several aspects of ivy impact on historic walls and buildings. This report summarises these interim research findings and other investigations by the National Trust and Natural England which were presented at a research seminar held at the Geological Society in London in May 2010. The findings contributed to debate on the topic and should influence future practice, management, and policy surrounding ivy growth on walls. A further research project was carried out 2011to 2015 and these findings are published as Research Report 20/2017 ‘Ivy on Walls’.

Report Number:
Building Building and Landscape Conservation Historic Walls Ivy Monument Ecology, Removal Churchyard


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