The National Heritage Protection Plan Framework

Described in 2012 by Ed Vaizey MP, Minister for Culture, as 'effectively the business plan for the historic environment’, the National Heritage Protection Plan comprises a framework for heritage protection built around a clear set of priorities.

Amended: April 2013


1. Introduction
2. Local empowerment: A key element in the Plan
3. Establishing priorities
4. A Common Framework for Action - the Plan Structure
Supporting actions
5. Getting involved
Appendix 1: The Measures and Activities in detail
Measure1. Foresight
Measure 2. Strategic Threat Assessment and Response
Measure 3. Recognition and Identification of the Potential Resource
Measure 4. Assessment of Character and Significance
Measure 5. Protection of Significance
Measure 6. Management of Planned Change in the Historic Environment
Measure 7. Managing major holdings of historic assets
Measure 8. Help and advice for owners

Additional Information

  • Publication Status: Completed


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