Reconstruction drawing of medieval tannery
Reconstruction of late medieval life on the urban fringe by Judith Dobie © Historic England
Reconstruction of late medieval life on the urban fringe by Judith Dobie © Historic England

Environmental Archaeology

Environmental archaeology is the study of our relationship with the environment throughout history, using techniques from biology and geology. Historic England have produced technical guidance covering a range of topics in environmental archaeology. This page provides an introduction to these documents.

You can contact our Science Advisors for direct advice or contact our Environmental Archaeologists for advice on specific subject areas.

Guidelines for the Curation of Waterlogged Macroscopic Plant and Invertebrate Remains

This guidance document provides information on the curation (ie treatment, handling and storage) of small (up to c 50mm) organic remains, primarily specimens or parts of plants and insects, recovered during excavation, sampling or analysis of waterlogged or anoxic archaeological deposits.

It is currently being revised to take account of recent research on the survival of DNA in such biological remains and how best to promote the survival of DNA and enhance the prospects for future research in existing collections and in newly recovered material.

Please email Gill Campbell for further information and advice. Gill can also provide a copy of the 1st edition of the guidance on request.